Peer Reviewed Book Chapters (PUBLISHED/FORTHCOMING)
“Rethinking Queer-feminist Muslim and Arab Methodologies – From Egypt to Palestine to Turtle Island” in Thinking World Politics Otherwise, Oxford University Press. Co-authored with Catherine Chiniara Charrett. (Accepted/Forthcoming, July 2022).
“To be Condemned to a Clinic: The Birth of the Anarca-Islamic Clinic,” in Religious Anarchism: New Perspectives. Ed. Alexandre Christoyannopoulos. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishers, 2012. 249-79. Published.
“Towards a Grassroots Multiculturalism?: A Genealogical Analysis of Solidarity Practices in Canadian Activism Today” in Racism and Justice: Critical Dialogue on the Politics of Identity, Inequality and Change. Eds. Singh Bolaria, Sean P. Hier, and Daniel Lett. Halifax: Fernwood Press, 2009, 207-224. (Co-authored with Richard J.F. Day and Sean Haberle). Published.
Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
“Dunes: Conquistador Settler-colonialism & the Crises of Diasporic Muslim Complicity” in A Collaborative Issue by The Journal of Political Theology & Settler-Colonial Studies. Guest Eds. Dana Lloyd and Jan Pranger. (Accepted/Forthcoming, August 2022).
“The Revolutionary Wonderings of Queer-Feminist Egyptian and Muslim Souls” in Feral Feminisms, Issue 11: Transnational Homonationalism, Ed. Amy Verhaeghe. (Accepted/Forthcoming, June 2022).
“Local, Regional and Transnational Queer-Challenges to Queer Arab, Muslim, and People of Color Liberatory Horizons” in The Journal of Settler-Colonial Studies, 2022. Co-authored with Catherine Chiniara Charrett. Under Review.
“On the Ethics of Disagreements (Uṣūl al-Ikhtilaf) and the Ethics of Hospitality (Uṣūl al-Dhiyafa) Between Spiritual and non-Spiritual Leftists in the Newest Social Movements” in The Journal of Political Theology (January 2022, Published). https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1462317X.2021.2003001
“Local, Regional and Transnational Queer-feminist Arab, Muslim, and People of Color Insurgent-Abolitionist Horizons” in Al-Raida Journal, 45(1), 28 – 51 (August 2021, Published). http://www.alraidajournal.com/index.php/ALRJ/article/view/1857/1909
“The Body of the Condemned, Sally...Paths to Queering Anarca-Islam” in Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies 1 (2010): 217-239. Published. https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/adcs/article/view/17102
Public-Facing Scholarship/Non-Refereed publications
“Islam & Anarchism: Relationships & Resonance – Book Release Overview” in The Political Theology Network Blog (Forthcoming, June, 2022).
“Let Empire Collapse: Why We Need A Decolonial Revolution” in ROAR Magazine, Ed. Kai Heron, November 2nd, 2020.
“Centrality of Palestine and Feminism to the Concept of Queer in the US/Canada, Egypt, and the SWANA Region” for The Masaha Collective and The Centre For Transnational Development & Collaboration. Ed. Nour Abu-Assab and Nof Nasser-Eddin (Forthcoming, 2022).
“Varieties of Islamic Anarchism: A Brief Introduction,” for The Anarchist Book Fair in Stockholm, Sweden. Written by Anthony T. Fiscella. Ed. by Mohamed Abdou and Gabriel Kuhn. 2013. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anthony-t-fiscella-varieties-of-islam-anarchism-zine-pamphlet
“Anarca-Islam: Paths to becoming a Muslim Anarchist: A Post-Anarchistic interpretation of Islam.” Published/Distributed through Miasma Publishing Co-op, Kingston, Ontario. 2007.
“Class Privilege and the American University of Cairo.” Arabic article in the Egyptian newspaper, Al-Ahram Weekly. August, 1998.